Our PortSense Technology
A Stella Doradus Patented Product

What is PortSense?
Stella Doradus engineers have developed a new patented feature called PortSense (Patent Pending). All Stella repeaters are now equipped with the PortSense technology.
This integrated technology automatically detects when an antenna is connected to the indoor or outdoor antenna port. A white LED is integrated into the new Smart antennas. Additionally, the repeater’s ports have a white LED. When the cables and antennae are connected correctly, these two white LEDs illuminate, giving the installer peace of mind. If the LEDs do not illuminate, there is likely a problem with the cables and/or connectors and which, therefore, should be examined.
The status of the PortSense is also monitored from StellaControl and an alert can be triggered if any damage to the system is detected.
How it Works
PortSense becomes especially useful in larger systems, where there can be many cables, connectors and pigtails. Once the installer sees the white LED, he can be sure all electrical connections are OK.