How to improve your Vodafone mobile signal:

If you want to improve your Vodafone signal at home then this is important reading just for you!

It’s truly amazing that Vodafone is the second largest mobile telecoms provider and yet that they should still have so many weak signal spots, especially in consumers’ homes. What’s even more amazing is that their solution to the problem, their “Sure Signal” offering, doesn’t really perform that well. Let’s take a quick look at the top two solutions out there…

Option 1: The StellaHome Repeater Kit

Kids on phones

The StellaHome repeater kit is made by Stella Doradus who specialize in the design and manufacture of top quality repeaters to boost mobile phone and data, GSM, 3G, 4G and 5G signals. This superb piece of kit “does what it says on the tin”. Not only will it increase your Vodafone mobile signal at home, you’ll get far more for your money into the bargain too.

StellaHome repeater installation

  • Here’s what a StellaHome Repeater Kit provides:
  • It will amplify all operators – not just Vodafone
  • It doesn’t require you to have a broadband signal at home
  • Amplifies voice and data for an unlimited number of simultaneous users
  • You pay one inexpensive payment with your order and then you OWN the device for life.

If you seriously want to improve your Vodafone mobile signal at home, and get far more in terms of usability with different carriers and brands of mobile, a StellaHome Repeater Kit is the right choice for you!

Option 2: Vodafone’s Sure Signal

Vodafone’s Sure Signal is relatively cheap to buy (although you never actually own it, (just rent it), It boosts all Vodafone signals and is easy to install.


Sure Signal’s Weaknesses

Here’s a list of the things that Vodafone don’t tell you about Sure Signal – things that if you knew in advance, would probably make you look elsewhere.

  • Sure Signal requires a Vodafone signal. It won’t work with other carriers
  • It requires you to have a broadband connection at home of AT LEAST 1MB /sec.
  • As well as your home broadband charge you will IN ADDITION be charged 3G data rates from Vodafone
  • It only amplifies the 3G signal. In other words it won’t work with NON-smart phones
  • You never get to own the Sure Signal device – you only ever rent it.