Cellular Signal Boosters solve the problem of poor mobile phone coverage in the home or office.

If you are experiencing

  • Dropped calls or no calls at all on your mobile phone
  • Poor 3G internet data speeds on your laptop.

Then you should consider installing a cellular signal booster in your premises.

Below is a diagram of a typical installation in a house.

1: Indoor panel antenna

2: power supply

3: Outdoor antenna

4: 3G Repeater

5: Cell Tower

How it works?

The outside antenna(3) collects the signal from the local cell tower(5). The higher this outside antenna the better, in order to get the best possible signal available. Then a cable is run from this outside antenna down to the repeater(4).

The repeater cleans and amplifies the signal. A cable is then run from the repeater to an inside antenna(1) which beams the signal into the desired area. Plug in the Power supply(2) and your done. Cellular signal boosters are cheap relative to other coverage solutions.

They amplify all operators, O2, Vodofone, Three etc.. They don’t require any monthly charges at all and also do not require you to specify certain telephone numbers that you are limited to. Cellular signal boosters amplify as many users as you want.and do not restrict what telephone numbers use the booster.

Finally, you are not locked to any specific operator. You can use these signal boosters for any operator, Vodophone , O2, etc… Here is a video demonstrating a Stella Doradus repeater in action.