Author: Petro Moroz

  • Why are pagers still used in hospitals and what is the alternative?

    Why are pagers still used in hospitals and what is the alternative?

    How do pagers work? Pagers, invented in the 1940s, allow you to broadcast one-way communication to many people at the same time. To send a message you must call a phone line and leave a short message with an operator.  The operator then relays the message to the other pagers. The person who receives the…

  • The differences between home and professional mobile signal repeaters

    The differences between home and professional mobile signal repeaters

    You’re probably already familiar with the basic functioning of a mobile signal repeater, and the advantages of having a powerful mobile signal to make and receive calls, surf the Internet at high speed, and enjoy a whole host of services on your mobile. As you will know, the repeater’s job is to receive the existing…

  • How to get mobile signal inside an underground car park?

    How to get mobile signal inside an underground car park?

    Underground car parks completely block mobile signal. This is increasingly becoming an major problem as society relies more and more on mobile devices and mobile data services. Why do I need mobile signal inside an underground car park? Besides becoming a legal requirement in many EU countries to provide mobile communication inside all public places…

  • How to boost mobile signal in a shopping centre?

    How to boost mobile signal in a shopping centre?

    Retail is a highly competitive industry, especially with the growing number of online shopping websites. However, the advantage retail has over online shopping is that it is not simply a place for buying goods. It provides a social service. It is a day out – an experience that satisfies the customers appetite for retail therapy,…

  • How to amplify a mobile signal in large outdoor areas

    How to amplify a mobile signal in large outdoor areas

    When people talk about mobile signal or coverage problems, then we tend to automatically think that they will be referring to the inside of a building. On entering buildings, we very often find that the reception on our phones drops quite dramatically. This is usually due to certain building materials that can block the signal,…

  • Types of mobile signal repeaters

    Types of mobile signal repeaters

    The purpose of all mobile signal repeaters is to perform the same basic function they were designed for: to pick up the mobile signal at one location, and then reproduce (or “repeat”) the signal in an area or place that, for whatever reason, the mobile signal was not able to reach. It is a well…

  • Using mobile repeaters in COVID shelters

    Using mobile repeaters in COVID shelters

    The pandemic caused by the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19 disease, has put our public and private health services in peril. The virus’s frightening capacity to spread has led to thousands of outbreaks, and millions of infections. Many of these, due to the seriousness of the symptoms, have required immediate hospitalisation, including admission to intensive…

  • Building materials that weaken your mobile signal

    Building materials that weaken your mobile signal

    Not too many of us who, when buying our new home, or making some renovations in our business, will think about which building materials are detrimental to our mobile phone reception. We tend to focus more on other aspects, such as energy efficiency, aesthetics, or comfort. Usually, we only discover the problem when we are…

  • How to improve your mobile signal to work from home effectively

    How to improve your mobile signal to work from home effectively

    We’re living in difficult times for workers, especially if you have to travel to an office, workshop, warehouse, or anywhere outside the relative safety of your home. The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced many countries to impose restrictions on our working hours, including how we travel and the hours we spend at work. A safer,…

  • Improving the mobile signal inside a warehouse

    Improving the mobile signal inside a warehouse

    In these times we’re living in, with small commerce seemingly on its last legs, and large businesses and online sales set to swallow it up, it’s common to see the construction of massive warehouses destined to house every type of merchandise imaginable. These warehouses are often built with thick walls of prefabricated concrete, with huge…