Author: elzyata
Can my neighbour use my mobile phone repeater?
If I have a mobile phone repeater installed in my house, can my neighbour use my mobile phone repeater, and if so, will I end up paying for his calls? No, you will not end up paying for his bills. The billing is associated with the SIM card in your phone. Every phone has a unique SIM card. …
How can I boost mobile signal in my house
1) Boost mobile signal for the home with internal coverage 1000m2 By far the easiest and most effective solution to boost mobile signal in your home is to install a mobile signal repeater – the StellaHome repeater kit. You don’t need to consult your mobile operator. You don’t need to call an installation team to install it for…
Poor mobile phone coverage in a shopping center and a solution.
Why is there often poor mobile phone coverage in your shopping centre? Have you noticed poor mobile phone coverage in large shopping centres in your area? The reason is, many such shopping centres are clad in steel panels, and have very few windows. Radio waves can’t penetrate steel panels. They act as a Faraday cage. Its very…
How to boost mobile coverage on your boat
Poor mobile phone coverage is a very common problem in large ships. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that ships are often far from land, and therefore, also far from the nearest base station. 2: The second reason is that ships are made of steel, with small windows, and those windows…
A History of Mobile Phones
1973 The history of mobile phones starts on the 3rd of April 1973, a senior engineer working for Motorola called Martin Cooper used a mobile phone to call a potential competitor in the mobile phone market. This was the first mobile phone call ever made. Weighing 1.1kg, the phone that Cooper made the call…
Install a mobile phone repeater in a hospital to improve mobile coverage.
How can we improve mobile coverage in the hospital? Click here to see the StellaOffice repeater which is an economical repeater kit designed for offices, hospitals or any large public building. So, How can we improve mobile coverage in a hospital? First, lets briefly explain the underlining problem. Hospitals are large public buildings with large numbers of…
How a mobile phone signal repeater will help your business
How a mobile phone signal repeater keeps your customers connected all the time. Everyone in business knows good internet connectivity is vital for business to thrive and grow. More and more people are using smart phones, i-pads, and other mobile devices in business. More apps are being developed every day and Cloud computing is becoming central…
Three Reasons why I get dropped calls in my car?
So you getting dropped calls in your car.. People often wonder why they experience so many dropped calls when using their phone in their car. The problem seems to be worse in suburban or country areas. As a result of this experience, people can be reluctant using their phone for business in their cars, and often will wait…
mobile coverage maps in my area | Check before you buy
Always check the mobile coverage maps in your area before you decide which mobile operator to go with. You never think you are going to have a problem receiving signal when you buy your new mobile phone, but quite often that is exactly what happens. If you happen to live in the countryside then you should…
How antennas work | Parabolic Laser vs Omni-directional antenna
People often think that by installing an omni antenna in a city they will provide the best chance of catching the signal from all operators, and therefore achieve the best amplification. However, the opposite is true for a number of reasons. How antennas work. Think of it like being at a party with hundreds of…