Author: elzyata
How can I boost my mobile signal?
How many times are we forced to go outside to make that phone call or access mobile data because we receive zero bars or even just one signal bar on our phones? The call is very poor quality and drops, and we cannot access the internet. Usually we just accept this, thinking there is no…
New StellaHome 800/900 signal booster | Fast 4G/LTE and GSM for your voice calls, combined.
StellaHome 800/900, get LTE and GSM at maximum speed! Here at Stelladoradus, we design and manufacture many types of signal boosters to meet all our clients needs, and to provide cellular coverage in areas where it is not present. We are always focused on evolving the technology in our signal boosters to ensure our clients have…
Why Mobile Operators Want You to Use WiFi Instead of 4G
Mobile data speeds have increased significantly since the successful roll out of 4G across the UK. This has made it extremely easy to access a whole variety of information and data whilst on the move. So why are mobile networks keen for people to use WiFi instead of 4G. As data speeds have improved, so…
Modern Buildings Can Cause Phones to Lose Signal
You may have noticed that your phone loses signal as soon as you enter a particular building. The building does not even need to be underground or in a poor signal area, yet getting a solid, reliable signal inside can be tricky. Most modern buildings are constructed from materials that reflect mobile signals. Metal, glass…
Eurotunnel Passengers Benefit from 4G Coverage
Operators of the Channel Tunnel, Eurotunnel, have announced that 4G coverage is now possible whilst using their service. The Channel Tunnel is based 100 metres below sea level, so Eurotunnel have worked with the likes of Vodafone and EE to devise a plan which has enabled a 4G signal to be broadcast throughout the tunnel.…
What You Need to Know About Network Congestion
Mobile networks are similar to roads: they help you stay connected to the people and places that matter most. And just like roads, they are subject to congestion. Network congestion occurs when the infrastructure in place cannot cope with the amount of users accessing it. In the motoring world, this results in traffic jams and…
Can Buildings Cause Poor Signal?
It is frequency found in large cities that even if the operator’s mast is right beside the office and you have super fast data speeds on the street, on entering the building there is no mobile signal available and mobile phones will not work inside. With staff and visitors relying on their mobile phones for…
Why Good Network Coverage is Essential for Business Users
The world of business has been transformed from what it was a decade ago, with a large amount of work now occurring in the cloud. The cloud is a fantastic concept: files are stored online, allowing access from anywhere in the world. However, this does come with one caveat – you need to be connected…
LTE Direct: A Revolutionary New Technology
You could be forgiven for thinking that not very much has changed within the world of telecommunications in the past few years. Granted, we are seeing the increasing uptake of 4G broadcasts, with more people switching to the technology. But what if 4G does not appeal to your needs? Improved data speeds are great, but…
Why Femtocell Signal Boosters Are Not Viable Long Term Solutions
Over the past 2 years, mobile operators have finally accepted that, for some, the quality of the service that they are offering is far from what is required. Customers across all of the major mobile telecoms networks have been stricken with poor network coverage issues, with certain areas of the UK being more prone to…