
Live Mode

Scan the cells for all operators. Automatically send the scan data to StellaControl for further analysis. This mode helps you locate the most suitable cell tower to point the outdoor antenna at.

Spectrum Mode

View the RF spectrum for all the operators of your specific country. This mode is useful for quickly understanding the RF environment and spotting if there is one particular strong cell tower in the area.

Surplus mode

Simple broadband outdoor signal analysis. This mode will accurately tell you how long the cable can be between the outdoor antenna and the repeater. This is very useful for system design on the StellaPlanner

Cloud Connected

The TestTool has an embedded global E-SIM. This means that when the scans are complete, they automatically sync to StellaControl where they can be viewed and downloaded.

2x Antenna


Every professional repeater installation consists of 4 steps. Our certified installers are all trained in this process to ensure that all installations adhere to our exacting standards.

Step 1

Our TestTool is essential for all professional installations. Spectrum Analyser, Live mode and Full Scan. Ensures installation is done correctly and avoids costly errors.

Step 2

Design your installation with our StellaPlanner. Upload the building plans online and position all antennas on the plan to identify the locations with the best coverage.

Step 3

Titan iRepeater is for professional repeater installations in buildings of all sizes. A commercial grade cellular repeater that amplifies mobile signal for all mobile operators.

Step 4

Setup your account on StellaControl, our online platform that allows you to remotely monitor and manage all your iRepeaters installations.